Russian national figure skating team


Figure skating is one of those sports that Russians can be proud of without reservations and doubts, without any "yes, but ...". Beauty, artistry and the will to win are intertwined in this discipline and fit perfectly into the Russian character, bringing us a lot of success, because in order to sincerely strive for the first place, we often need something more than just hard physical labor: creativity, magic, personal attitude...

The composition of the Russian national team for the 2019 World Figure Skating Championships:

Women: Alina Zagitova, Sofia Samodurova, Evgenia Medvedeva.

Substitutes: Elizaveta Tuktamysheva and Stanislav Konstantinov.

Men: Alexander Samarin, Mikhail Kolyada and Andrey Lazukin.

Subs: Dmitry Aliev, Sergey Voronov.

Couples: Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, Natalya Zabiyako and Alexander Enbert, Alexandra Boykova and Dmitry Kozlovsky.

Substitutes: Daria Pavlyuchenko and Denis Khodykin, Anastasia Mishina and Alexander Gallyamov, Alisa Efimova and Alexander Korovin.

Ice dancing: Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan Bukin, Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov.

Subs: Sofia Evdokimova and Egor Bazin, Tiffany Zagorski and Jonathan Gureiro, Betina Popova and Sergey Mozgov.