4 June

Anastasia Zinina will continue her career in figure skating

Fame came to Anastasia in 2021/2022, when Evgeni Plushenko’s ward successfully started at the junior stages of the international Grand Prix series, taking silver and bronze. A flying quadruple sheepskin coat and unusually feminine choreography on the ice made the girl stand out among her rivals. But the Russian championship still eluded the skater in her debut season, bringing her a lot of tears and worries. And in the first month of summer of the same year, Plushenko Academy expelled Zinina “for violating discipline.” The figure skater then explained this by disagreements with the second coach of the academy, who initiated her expulsion. According to the athlete, there was much more scandal on the Internet than in reality. 

The rising figure skating star chose Alexei Vasilevsky and Yulia Lavrenchuk as new coaches. Zinina finished third and fourth at the Russian Grand Prix stages, and then took sixth place at the national championship, guaranteeing herself a place in the national teamand participation in the Channel One Cup. It was the latter that she rejoiced most of all, not knowing what trouble awaited her. On the very first day, she fell hard on the ice, severely bruising her hip. The whole season was spent recovering from a serious injury and psychologically overcoming the fear of being injured again. Long rehabilitation, including with a psychotherapist, became a new reality for the athlete. At the same time, she was confident that in the new season she would return to the ice, having regained her form. But as if there weren’t enough troubles, another one lay in wait for the skater. 

Having withdrawn from all major competitions, Zinina disappeared for a long time. Everyone thought that these were the consequences of an injury that could not be healed in the time frame that the skater had planned, but everything turned out to be even worse. Anastasia faced post-Covid syndrome and almost became disabled. Her legs were lost and her eyesight was deteriorating, so Zinina was physically no longer able to ride, and now she had to endlessly run to doctors. All this was soon joined by depression, which grew out of fear that she would have to give up her favorite figure skating for health reasons. 

By the end of the season, Nastya managed to take part in three tournaments: for the prizes of Tatyana Tarasova, in “Samarochka” and for prizes from the FFKK of St. Petersburg. She began training back in December, feeling that her condition had stabilized and her health was gradually returning to its original level, when she could already go on ice. According to the skater herself, the trials seriously strengthened her, so in the new season we will see a stronger, but no less talented Anastasia Zinina.


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